1985 и Елена 8

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Реальная личная история

Елена Чаусова родилась 30 июля 1957 года в Москве. Высокая девочка (185 сантиметров) начала учиться баскетболу в ДЮСШ № 1, более известной в спортивных кругах как «Куйбышевская», ставшей впоследствии СДЮШОР № 56. Старшим тренером отделения баскетбола с 1968 года была заслуженный мастер спорта СССР Нина Александровна Максимова, одновременно тренировавшая молодежную сборную СССР и сборные команды СССР среди юниорок и девушек. Именно в ее руки – руки легендарной баскетболистки, попала Елена Чаусова.

В 1972 году Елена стала выступать за старейший московский женский клуб «Спартак». Несмотря на традиции, его лучшие достижения в этот период – восьмые места в чемпионатах страны 1972 и 1973 годов.

В составе юниорской сборной первым серьезным победным турниром Елены («Elena Tchaoussova» в статистике ФИБА) стал чемпионат Европы в Сан-Ремо и Лоано в Италии в 1973 году. Елена стала четвертой по среднему результату – 8,9, показав максимум в матчах с Югославией (78:42) – 12 очков, Италией (79:51) – 16, финале с Югославией (68:47) – 15. Играла она отчаянно: в упомянутых играх получила по 4 фола. Наградой стал первый титул чемпионки Европы.

Следующий чемпионат Европы среди юниоров в испанском Виго в 1975 году был менее успешен: сборная СССР завоевала лишь «бронзу», уступив Чехословакии и Польше. Но Елена показала высочайший класс игры, став первой в команде по среднему результату – 12.

Экономическая кибернетика


Аспирантура Московского гос. технологического университета «Станкин»,
Диссертация кандидата технических наук Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств

Преподаваемые дисциплины

Инфокоммуникационные системы и сети

Образование: Орловский государственный университет, журналист; Орловский государственный университет, юрист; Школа телевидения Останкино, телеведущий.

В российской прессе часто обсуждаются браки известных людей, в том числе и брак самых популярных юмористов России Евгения Петросяна и Елены Степаненко. Оба признаются, что «долго присматривались друг к другу», но в настоящее время практически не расстаются. СамаСтепаненко признаётся, что именно благодаря Петросяну её карьера сложилась таким замечательным образом.

The worst of the damage occurred along a 40 mi (64 km) stretch of coastline, centered on the Pascagoula area.[98] Elena's winds damaged most of the schools in Jackson County, and more specifically, every school in Pascagoula was structurally compromised to some degree. Damages to schools in Ocean Springs totaled $3 million.[99] In the same city, the overall conditions following the hurricane were described as worse than those in the prior hurricanes Frederic or Camille. Elena destroyed 20 houses and two supermarkets in Ocean Springs, and several buildings on every city block sustained severe roof damage due to fallen trees. Two shopping centers were destroyed in nearby Gautier, possibly by short-lived tornadoes. A fire captain in Gautier remarked immediately after the storm that he had not yet seen an unharmed building in the city. The community became essentially isolated from the outside world, and quickly began to run short of food, clean water, and gasoline supplies.[100] Initial reports from Pascagoula also indicated that most, or all, of that city's buildings were damaged.[101] Nearly every business in the city was damaged to the extent that none were able to open when the storm cleared.[35] A post-storm assessment by the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency revealed over 900 businesses in Jackson County sustained damage, contributing to a total of nearly 1,500 in the state's three coastal counties.[102]

Harrison and Hancock counties were generally not affected quite as severely as communities closer to the Alabama border, but the entire area still suffered extensively. In sections of Gulfport, large fires were sparked by downed power lines and fed by broken natural gas pipes. Debris on roadways prevented firefighters from reaching the fires, allowing them to spread. Similar destruction was seen to the east at Biloxi, where the hurricane's winds tore the roofs off many buildings. Beachfront communities were in a state of disarray, with large trees uprooted, debris littering the ground, and accumulations of sand on parts of roads like U.S. 90.[98] Damage to schools in Harrison County—particularly in Gulfport and Biloxi—was extensive.[103] Most homes in the area survived the storm, which was locally estimated to have been a once-in-50-year event, with relatively little damage. Several buildings along the coast in the Biloxi area sustained severe damage, but many of the older houses near the Gulf of Mexico there fared remarkably well.[98][104] Winds brought down large highway signs, in some cases striking nearby buildings.[105] Along the coast, Elena caused beach erosion, damaged coastal structures and recreational beach facilities,[106] and dislocated navigational buoys and markers in various ports, several of which were closed pending Coast Guard inspection.[107] Winds over inland Pearl River County damaged 350 permanent and mobile homes, and as in Alabama, the hurricane took a large toll on pecan and soybean crops and farms.[108]

There were numerous reports in southern Mississippi of embedded tornadoes that exacerbated the hurricane's effects.[36] Reports in Gulfport indicated that three schools actively being used as hurricane shelters were struck and damaged by tornadoes. At one location, almost 400 people being housed in a school had to rush to safety before part of its roof collapsed. Another apparent tornado sideswiped a senior citizens' center, endangering nearly 200 people in a structure that sustained damage to windows, doors, and part of its roof; about 20 people required rescue by paramedics. Only minor injuries occurred in association with the possible tornadoes.[98][109] Teams of experts tasked with reviewing the validity of tornado reports were largely unable to prove that a significant portion of the damage in southern Mississippi had been done by tornadoes. As a result, few tornadoes were confirmed,[9] and it is likely that most of the damage in the region resulted from squall-like winds that are part of an intense hurricane's nature, or potentially localized microbursts.[36][108] Any unconfirmed tornadoes would have been no stronger than the hurricane's synoptic winds.[108]

Satellite image of Elena making landfall on September 2

The storm left 80,000 Mississippi Power Company customers without electricity; most of Jackson County's 126,000 residents were affected by the outage.[102][110] Operations at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula were halted due to the power outage and widespread damage to the shipyard's buildings and cranes,[110] and at least two other shipyards in the state were affected by the hurricane.[111] Additionally, the storm forced the temporary closure of the Chevron USA refinery at Pascagoula.[107] Facilities at Horn Island in the Gulf Islands National Seashore, Buccaneer State Park, and the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge required repairs following the storm; at the latter, damages included the cost of healing a Florida sandhill crane's injured leg. Thirty seafood processing plants were damaged, and one was destroyed.[111] The Red Cross estimated that 200 single-family houses in the state were destroyed, and some 13,200 were damaged, 1,200 of them heavily. Additionally, the hurricane demolished 390 mobile homes and damaged another 2,290.[112] The overall cost of damage in Mississippi alone approached $1 billion.[108]


After moving inland, the storm's northwestward track brought it over the Louisiana border on two separate occasions,[5] first reaching Washington Parish as a minimal hurricane. Winds there were strong enough to bring down hundreds of trees, damaging houses and knocking out power to over 15,000 customers in the process.[113][114][115] The hurricane also overturned mobile homes and strewn debris throughout communities such as Bogalusa and Franklinton in Washington Parish, the hardest-hit area in the state.[31] Downed trees caused damage to 200 homes and another 200 businesses, chiefly near Bogalusa.[113]

Winds across the rest of the state were moderate, gusting to around 50 mph (80 km/h) at Slidell on the northeastern shore of Lake Pontchartrain,[11] so damage outside of Washington Parish was sporadic.[113] Throughout the state, at least 40,000 electric customers lost power.[101] Located southwest of the storm's core, New Orleans escaped with little damage and relatively benign weather conditions; still, the hurricane triggered minor flooding and brought down tree limbs around the city. Levees along the shores of Lake Pontchartrain were able to contain the lake's large waves, despite initial fears to the contrary.[30][31] Still, the adverse conditions forced the temporary closure of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.[116] The storm led to the deaths of two individuals in the state: one due to a drowning in St. Tammany Parish and another in a traffic accident attributed to the weather.[31] Insured and uninsured damages were worth near $17 million combined, with an additional $500,000 in agricultural losses.[113]

Награждена Почетной грамотой Губернатора Ивановской области, отмечена знаком «Общественное признание 2012 года» в номинации «Сердце отдано людям», награждена нагрудным знаком «Отличник здравоохранения».


Разобравшись, 1985 год какого животного, совместимость – вот о чем также стоит рассказать. Итак, идеальный брак у представителей данного знака будет с Петухом, которому Бык уступит право сиять, находясь в его приятной тени. Все отлично может сложиться и с Крысой, которая будет опьянена успехом Быка и всегда останется ему верна. Неплохо могут сложиться отношения и со Змеей. А вот от союзов с Обезьяной и Козой Быку лучше поберечься. Полнейший же крах ожидает семью, которую Бык решит создать с Тигром. Это будет вечная война до смерти одного из членов пары (не физической, но психологической).

1. Желтки отделите от белков.
2. Творог, желтки, йогурт, стевию и 2 ложки крахмала взбейте до однородности.
3. Белки взбейте до крепкой пены и аккуратно смешайте с творогом.
4. Подготовленную творожную массу выложите в форму для выпечки и разровняйте.
5. Апельсины очистите от кожуры, косточек и белых перегородок, переложите в блендер, добавьте остаток крахмала и хорошенько взбейте. Вылейте сверху на творожную массу.
6. Отправьте в разогретую до 180 градусов духовку и выпекайте в течении примерно 40 минут.
7. Остудите прямо в форме и нарежьте на порции.

Приятного аппетита!
